Thursday, August 2, 2012


Like any trusted relationship, many of the best often start over good conversation and a cocktail. I like to think that work with my clients often begins the same way.  After all, a lovely piece of custom jewelry requires thoughtfulness, creativity and time…things so often brought on by both a hearty chat and a strong martini.

When I tell people what I do, there are often 2 reactions. For women: a visible lighting up of the face, for men: sheer terror. And truly, this is how and why my business was born. 
Since my days designing engagement rings on cocktail napkins during business school, the goal has always been the same. To soothe a gent’s soul by providing a comfortable atmosphere (outside the glare of regular retail bright lights) where any manner of questions regarding what so many men consider to be the intimidating task of buying jewelry for their ladies could be answered. The result of this approach is a fully customized piece of bespoke jewelry fit to both the customer and the occasion.

And now, a word about my favourite word: BESPOKE. Rarely used by us North Americans, it’s an English word meaning “made to a buyer’s specification (personalized or tailored).”But oh how I wish it were a more common term on this side of The Pond as it describes the high degree of customization so often associated with my work.

So welcome to ViVanities, a collection of my thoughts about diamonds, the jewelry I make (both bridal and fashion), some fun proposal stories that my clients have shared and of course, general musings about the wonderful world of jewelry. 


  1. Bespoke is a great word. Nice to see you blogging. I will be sure to stay tuned. xoxo Andy B

  2. Can't wait to hear more Vivisms!
